About us
Our story
Proud of our craft
For over 10 years, PolderPride has been an integral part of the tulip landscape.
What started in 2010 as a cooperation to make more distinction for the clock now goes much further than that.
We work together in areas such as purchasing, sales and marketing.
The unique thing about PolderPride is that it is active in all areas, from bulb to flower. Every member of PolderPride has a flower bulb nursery in addition to their forcing business, both in the Netherlands and in the southern hemisphere.
This ensures that we can produce a unique and extensive assortment every year so that we can optimally serve the market. The tulips are scalded from mid-August to June. So PolderPride is active about 10 months per year.
PolderPride’s tulips have a global reach. Major buyers are mainly in Germany, Russia, America, China and the Middle East.
Our tulips are available through various channels. Every day, we auction a portion of the tulips on the clock of Royal FloraHolland. The other part is sold on the long term or directly through the daily trade.
PolderPride also makes steps in the field of sustainability. Basically, every member has to be MPS-A certified. But next year we are going to expand this certification with Global GAP.